Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
based solution provider.

About TechSamvaad

Who Are We ?

We develop products which are easy to use and accessible, especially when it comes to Indian Market.
Our products provide a competitive edge over others with an ease to operate and adapt with exclusive customisation for every different consumer segment.

Being a complete Indian entity and coming from a rural background, our team can easily relate and understand the problems from an Indian context faced by the larger general audience when it comes to the use the technology currently existing and available.
Development of simple and fast products which are made for people looking for such solutions is our primary concern.

We at TechSamvaad focus on the need of the consumers whom we know require the best, Rest of the goodness is already there.

Our Services

Indian Entity with Regional Language

Indian Entity

TechSamvaad Pvt. Ltd. a home grown company developing products in regional languages.

Chatbot First produce

First Product

TechSamvaad Pvt. Ltd. launches one of a kind AI & ML based Android application that allows using smartphone in Gujarati Language.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

TechSamvaad Pvt. Ltd. works in Artificial Intelligence based solutions such as ASR STT TTS OCR to name a few.

Cloud Based Service


TechSamvaad Pvt. Ltd. provide cloud based solutions.

Our Portfolio

Techsamvaad DIPP Image
Recognized as a Startup by Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion.
TechSamvaad seed funded under Government of Gujarat Grant scheme.
First Product seed funded under Government of Gujarat Grant scheme.
Techdsamvaad Blind People Association Agreement
External technical advisor for Blind People’s Association, Ahmedabad

Meet Our Team

Dr. Harshal Arolkar (Mentor of TechSamvaad)

Dr. Harshal Arolkar

The one who believed in us. Perfect picture of Guidance & Affection.

Pariyani Abdullah Mo. Illiyas (Co-founder & Technical consultant)

Pariyani Abdullah Mo. Illiyas

Co-founder & Technical consultant
Basic Human, Extreme developer. A man of few words and many line of codes.

Shaunak Bimal Amin

Shaunak Bimal Amin

Co-founder & Marketing consultant
Looks good, Works better. Combination of Humour and Marketing skills all in one.

Nareshkumar Prajapati (Senior Developer)

Nareshkumar Prajapati

Sr. Developer
Simple and easy to work with, just like his programming.

Kartik Joshi (Founder & CEO of TechSamvaad Pvt. Ltd.)

Kartik Manoj Joshi

Founder & CEO
Stresses with codes, di-stresses with a cup of tea. The sane one with insane ideas.